AESOP4Food seminar 2025

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This sustainable food planning seminar makes use of the learning resources which are available on the AESOP4Food wiki.

Participants are expected to prepare themselves for each session by viewing a recording and reading the compulsory material.

The seminar takes place from March 6 until April 10, 2025. Every week on Thursday 17h00 – 18h15 CET.

Dates 2025.jpg

Each session consists of a 30-minute recap of the subject, followed by 30 minutes of discussion (if the group is large this will be in self-organised breakout rooms) and 15 minutes outlook on the next session.

Study Guide

Before you register please read the Study Guide. You can download the study guide here.


Productive landscape concerns the current problems of foodscapes, food systems, short chains, and food security. This seminar concerns the planning, design and management of sustainable foodscapes, integrating both environmental, social, and economic aspects of the productive landscape. It addresses the main challenges, theoretical frameworks, approaches and methods for sustainable food planning. It relates to the concepts of food security, food safety, food democracy and food justice and the way stakeholders and communities can address the challenges by participatory action research and living labs. It builds upon the work of the International Panel of Experts in Food Planning (IPES) and the Resource centre on Urban Agriculture and Food Security (RUAF). Subjects of the sessions are defining the main challenges, mapping and analysing a food system, collaborative goal setting, proposing transformative actions, developing scenarios, alternatives, and implementation strategies.

Aim of the seminar

After participating in the seminar, learners should be able to elaborate proposals in a collaborative way for the future physical interventions of a part of a local-regional food system in relation to its context. The goal is to develop adequate knowledge, understanding of food systems, to define driving forces, understand the planning process, decide on transformative actions, planning and design proposals. For this learners can apply the main concepts of sustainable food planning and the building blocks of an Agroecological Urbanism.

Competences developed

The learner knows and understands the essence and significance of existing food systems in a local and city-regional scale and is able to apply knowledge and new ideas in a changing social – economic environment to initiate transformative actions for making food systems more sustainable.

Activities by the participants

Participating in the seminar will take some 8 hours per week. The tasks consist of:

  • Viewing the recording of the selected lecture for each session
  • Critical reading of the preparatory material for each phase of the seminar
  • Participating in the recap lecture, the Q&A session and the discussion, that takes place on Thursdays from 17h00-18h30 CET.

Participants who want to receive a certificate for the seminar need to actively follow at least 5 of the sessions and give an online presentation of 15 minutes of their main understandings and findings. The framework of the presentation will be handed out during the first session.


After reading the study guide you can register here. Registration is open until March 1, 2025.